Midnight Oil

[Powderworks] I can't help wondering....

earthsunmoonmomma turnupthedrums@netscape.net
Wed, 13 Mar 2002 08:28:30 -0500

scissormansnip@yahoo.com wrote:

>most of the time I get to know a person and I tell them
>that Midnight Oil is one of my favorite bands, most of
>them laugh in response. usually they say something along the lines of "didn't they do that "Beds are Burning" song? and they laugh as if
>they are some kind of one-hit wonder. 
Ha!~  That is *exactly* the response my brother gave when I called to 
ask him to babysit my children so I can go to the 3/27 show.  He 
laughed, sang the opening horn line from Beds and said "Are they still 
around?"  "They never went away!!" I said.  I know if he came with me to 
the show he would be blown away and would fall in love with the Oils. 
 I'm lending him some of my MO collection to give him a little education 
on great music that is never played on the radio.
