Midnight Oil

[Powderworks] (no subject)

LLOYD_Ian@canon.com.au LLOYD_Ian@canon.com.au
Fri, 14 Sep 2001 13:01:15 +1000

Sorry i have'nt posted on the subject yet, I just wanted to let all our friends in the States know
how much I and all Aussies are thinking about you at this terrible time.
I did'nt realise how much it was effecting me until i was driving to work the other day and a lady
rang MMM (a local radio station) and asked for us to turn our headlights on as a mark of respect. As
i looked around i noticed quite a few cars with theirs on and did the same, as i did this i could
barely hold the tears back.
I consider Americans to be very close allies and friends to us here in Australia and have always
found you to be very friendly people and at the moment i feel like a member of my family has been
I won't go on, I just wanted to let you all know that we are behind you 110% and are feeling your
grief as well.
I just hope that some good comes out of this and the way that people are pulling together now
continues forever!


IAN LLOYD - National Sales Admin. Team Leader
CANON - Business Imaging Solutions Group
Level 2, 1 Thomas Holt Drive, North Ryde 2113
PH: (02) 9805 2384
FAX: 1800 352227
E-MAIL: lloyd_ian@canon.com.au