Midnight Oil

Subject: Re: Peter Garrett - some early photos
From: "Adrian" <hooperadrianr@yahoo.com>
Date: 23/09/2011, 6:53 am
To: powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au

Thanks for uploading these photos.  They appear to be from the Royal Antler, quite possibly "after show" shots from that session with the "before show" shot of them all standing behind the bar (if that makes sense).  Rolling Stone ran the group shot a few years back and I think it was in Dodshon"s book but I don't have it at hand.  Andrew James is still in the band and from memory Jim has a mo and Martin is holding his sunburst strat - I reckon '79?

Great to see and thanks again.


--- In powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au, "oooils" <oooils@...> wrote:

Hello everybody!

I put here 3 early photos of Peter Garrett: http://au.groups.yahoo.com/group/powderworks/photos/album/240153157/pic/list
I received them some time ago as an addition to some MO eBay lot - they are not on photo paper, but are like xeroxed from a real photographs.

I think the pictures were taken after some concert.

Best regards,