Midnight Oil

Subject: [Fwd: Re: Great photo]
From: RM
Date: 17/12/2007, 8:47 am
To: powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au

-------- Original Message --------
Date: 	Sat, 15 Dec 2007 02:44:57 -0000
From: 	David <canadavros@yahoo.com.au>
To: 	powderworks-owner@yahoogroups.com.au
Subject: 	Re: Great photo

If it's the photo I saw in The Aus, it looks like Gore and Rudd are 
cacking themselves over a joke, and PG is off to the side, with hands 
behind his back, not really in on it. Reminded me of an awkward 
adolescent a bit on the outer while his cool mates laugh at an injoke. 
But I'm probably projecting my perspective on where PG stands in the 
current political milieu......

Hey, I haven't figured out how to do attachments here, but I wanted 
point out an amazing picture that was in a recent Sydney Morning 
Herald: it showed Kevin Rudd, Peter Garrett, and Al Gore sharing a 
moment of hilarity in Bali... wow!  I mean, we take it for granted 
when you live inside history it's a little less surprising.  Still 
all, WOW!  Thirty years ago, if I told you this political setting was 
coming, would ANY of you have believed me?

Cheers mates!

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